Servers on the internet are under constant attack, usually from automated scripts trying to make use of your resources. WordPress installations are doubly attacked, because they’re often out of date and are relatively easy to take over. This article describes how to use fail2ban and Cloudflare to protect your Amazon…
Moving WordPress Between AWS Regions – EC2 and RDS
Moving WordPress Between AWS Regions – EC2 and RDS In previous articles, I’ve described how to set up WordPress in AWS using EC2 and RDS. In this article I’ll describe the steps I took to move the server between regions and get it working again – in my case from…
How to Migrate from RDS to MySQL on EC2
Introduction A year ago I moved all my websites to AWS using the free tier, using an EC2 t2.micro and the RDS relational database service. Now that my year of free tier is up I’d like to reduce my costs. I want to migrate from RDS to MySQL on EC2.…
Upgrade Running Nginx on Amazon Linux
If you’d like to upgrade running Nginx on your Unix server version read on for some information on how to achieve it.
Setting up AWS for WordPress with EC2, RDS, Nginx, HHVM – Part Two – Hosting WordPress on AWS Tutorial
Introduction This multi-part tutorial is a complete guide to Setting up WordPress on AWS. This part of our tutorial sets up an AWS Account, Relational Database Service, then installs the necessary system software such as Nginx, HHVM for PHP, SSMTP for email, and Monit for monitoring. Links to other parts of…
Hosting WordPress on AWS Tutorial – Part One: Introduction
Introduction This series of articles is a tutorial to help people with Hosting WordPress on AWS. The aim is to help you set up your own WordPress website hosting on a small AWS instance (t2.micro), then migrate your existing WordPress installs into WordPress or WordPress Multisite (WPMU). The aim is for really high performance…